Monday, June 25, 2012

SMH What about the vendors!

Hello friends,

It has been a while since my last post and this past weekend I attended an event as a vendor for the first time in a long time. Everyone knows me as a event planner of events such as Chocolate Chat Atlanta, Women's small business expo in Miami etc. Since the launch of my new brand Eleanor B. online women's retail store I will start to participate as a vendor at various events as a marketing tool for the store.

My future posts will reflect my experiences not only with planning events but also, my experience with vending as well.

Now the good stuff... Keep in mind I only give constructive criticism... okay here we go...

  •  I immediately noticed the lack of promotional efforts leading up to the event (Bad sign)
  • No promotional efforts for the vendors were in place such as logo or website mention etc.
  • Poor turn out.My opinion is if you cant predict your turn out then maybe you shouldn't tell your vendors your expecting 250-300 guest and have less than half actually show up.. just my personal opinion. 
  • I can't tell anyone how much to charge for vendor tables however be mindful of small business owners budgets and also the FACT that your are uncertain of your turn out. As a vendor If I pay $100 or more for a vendor table YES, I expect to see some traffic. Again, just my personal opinion.  
My advice to you as a vendor..

  1. Ask the right questions.. I will explain later
  2. Pick and choose wisely to maximize your marketing budget
  3. Find out what events are already going on the day of the event
  4. If possible ask around to other vendors their last experience with the particular event 
My advice to the event organizer...notice I said organizer not planner BIG difference.

  1.  Be mindful of small business owners with ridiculous vendor fees when only 50 people attends your events.
  2. Research what other events are going on in your city before you organize or plan an event
  3. If possible be realistic with your expected attendance numbers it only make vendors unhappy when we prepare for a certain amount and less than half attends. 
  4. Hire Marketing help notice I said HIRE not obtain volunteers  BIG difference.
  5. Show appreciation to your vendors and sponsors because with out them you wouldn't have a budget for the event.

Ahhh feels good to get that off my chest lol I must say it was an experience made a few bucks back and obtained a couple emails for my email marketing campaign.

I would love to know how you feel please leave a comment with your opinion since everyone has one. Peace & Blessings to you.

Curious about my new brand Eleanor B.?  Lets connect on face book

Curious about my projects as a event planner? Review photos and testimonials on the links below

Luxe Events:

Chocolate Chat Atlanta:

Happy Vending ! 
Dianna Hicks

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